ЁЯМ╖ When Swami Gave Himself a New NameЁЯМ╖On the 25th of November in 1958, Sri S. R. Venkatraman and his family were returning from Puttaparthi after attending SwamiтАЩs birthday celebrations. Baby Gitasudha, VenkatramanтАЩs daughter, suddenly lay dead. The miserable parents were helpless. The bus pulled over, and a crowd soon gathered around the dead child.An old man from amongst the crowd commanded, тАЬHand me the child.тАЭ The old man had two ladies and a young lad by his side. The old man held the infant in his hands and muttered some mantras [sacred chants]. He asked the onlookers, who happened to be returning from Puttaparthi as well, for some vibhuti [blessed ash] and smeared it on the childтАЩs forehead. The child that had been dead for all practical purposes suddenly let out a loud cry. The joy of the previously bereaved parents knew no bounds. A grateful Venkatraman offered the old man a rupee, but the latter turned him down. He then offered the old man an orange that was given to him by Swami. Venkatraman asked the old man what his name was. *тАЬJodi Adipali SomappaтАЭ* was the reply.Later, the bewildered Venkatraman wrote to Puttaparthi enquiring whether Swami had gone into a trance around 2:45 pm (which was the same time тАШJodi Adipalli SomappaтАЩ had appeared to save his daughter from the jaws of death). Venkatraman had an inkling that it may have, in fact, been Swami in the guise of the strange old man. Even before the letter could reach Puttaparthi, Swami told His close devotees in detail about how He had rushed to the rescue of the helpless family! He told them that He had drawn the evil power that had been dogging the child into the orange that was given to Him, and had it cast away. It was, indeed, Swami who had made the trans-corporeal visit!

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